Throughout the year we do a lot of counting…
including this holiday season when we count our blessings.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!

1st row (L to R): Myunghee Geerts, Samantha Mairoano, Tina Truby, Caren McCabe, Lindsay Wheeler, Donna McDonough, Donna Bryant. 2nd row (L to R): Lori Schneider, Wendy Rafferty, Loretta Manning, Marie Holliday, Jennifer Pacilli, Shane Bennett, Rachael Hanak, Beth Edwards, Rosellen Gemino. 3rd Row (L to R): Rita Grant, Kim Zarrett, Jackie Zhang, Peter Hopkins, Vickie Young Beam, Pete Kennedy, Chris Jackson, Eric Williams, Mitch Byerly, Cheyenne Tucker, Colleen Grasso, Luci Roseman, Kate Hikins, Daniel Eissmann, Debbie Taylor. Missing: Denise Algeo, Amy Johnson, Andy Johnson, Sherry Yao, Gabrielle Barrale, Diogo de Oliveira.
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