One of Cover & Rossiter’s former partners, Paul Rossiter, passed away last week, a few days before his 92nd birthday. Paul was admitted as a partner of C&R in 1965 and worked at the firm until the mid-1990’s. He was instrumental in the longstanding success of the firm.

Current managing director, Marie Holliday, had this to say about Paul:

Although I was not fortunate to have worked with Paul during my tenure here at C&R, I got to know him better over the last several years. He prepared his own tax return until his mid 80s which, in my opinion, was pretty impressive! As his health declined, he told me it was time to use a professional, which I took as a great compliment. The last time I met with him, he said he was really proud of what Cover & Rossiter had become.

We appreciate Paul’s contributions to Cover & Rossiter’s legacy and will miss his occasional visits to the office.

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