We are pleased to welcome our newest employees to Cover & Rossiter! Let’s find out a little about them…

Ritika Bothra, Senior Accountant, Audit Department

Ritika Bothra, Senior Auditor
  • Joined Cover & Rossiter: September, 2023
  • Prior experience: Worked four years in auditing and assurance at Deloitte USI.
  • Education: Bachelor’s in Finance from St. Xaviers College, Kolkata India
  • Professional Credentials: CPA: Chartered Accountant, ICAI, India.
  • Life outside of work: I love traveling and trying new vegetarian cuisines.
  • Favorite quote: “Falling down is not failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen.” – Socrates

Chassity Gray, Controller

Chassity Gray, Controller
  • Joined Cover & Rossiter: May, 2023
  • Prior experience: I worked at BPG Real Estate Services for 14 years in various roles, including accounts payable specialist, accounts payable supervisor, property accountant, development controller, and property controller.
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Strayer University.
  • Life outside of work: I enjoy spending time with my husband and two sons. We love taking vacations, going to concerts and spending time with family.
  • Favorite quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison

Marquise Hatcher, Staff Accountant, Tax Department

Marquise Hatcher, Staff Accountant
  • Joined Cover & Rossiter: December, 2023
  • Prior experience: I spent six years at The Buccini Pollin Group, most recently as a property accountant.
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington DE.
  • Life outside of work: I enjoy spending time with friends and family, taking trips to the beach, and traveling the world. I also love to cook healthy meals and work out.
  • Favorite quote: “Life is your own marathon. Never stop moving!”

Paris Hickman, Staff Accountant, Audit Department

Paris Hickman, Staff Accountant
  • Joined Cover & Rossiter: November, 2023
  • Prior experience: Internship at CPA firm, Summer 2023
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington DE.
  • Life outside of work: I love to spend time with my family and going on bike rides. I also enjoy working out.
  • Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Michael Jordan

Charles Hunt, Staff Accountant, Tax Department

Charles Hunt, Staff Accountant
  • Joined Cover & Rossiter: June, 2023
  • Prior experience: While in school, I worked as a tax preparer and virtual site coordinator for VITA, a nationwide organization providing tax preparation services to under-privileged communities. I also worked two summer internships in tax accounting and bookkeeping services.
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Financial Economics from University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
  • Life outside of work: I enjoy chess, reading the scriptures, watching and/or participating in all types of sports and competitions, and watching anime.
  • Favorite quote: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” – Ecclesiastes 12:13

Jazlee Rojas, Staff Accountant, Tax Department

Jaxlee Rojas, Staff Accountant
  • Joined Cover & Rossiter: December, 2023
  • Prior experience: I worked at WSFS Bank and PwC Philadelphia
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington DE. I’m working towards my MBA in Financial Management, graduating in May 2024.
  • Life outside of work: I’m a licensed cosmetologist so outside of work I enjoy styling hair for family and friends. I also like to go on long walks with my chihuahua, Coco.
  • Favorite quote: “Independence is doing what you want, knowing that you’re happy with the decisions you’re making and that it’s best for you.” – Jorja Smith