By: Marie Holliday, CPA, MBA, Managing Director

On October 28, 2021, Managing Director Marie Holliday, presented a webinar on Tax Implications of Charitable Planning / Giving Strategies for Delaware Technical Community College. This program was part of a two-part series offered by DTCC under the banner “2021 Tax Strategies to Maximize Your Charitable Giving”. This is certainly a timely topic as we approach the end of the year and individuals are looking to maximize their charitable giving. There are a number of gift options available to you that offer financial and tax benefits while allowing you to leave a legacy to the organizations you support.

Marie’s webinar touched on the following areas:

  • Status of President Biden’s tax proposal
  • Tax implications of charitable donations
    • “Above-the-line deduction” for non-itemizers
    • Deductions for individuals who itemize
    • Deductible contributions for C-corporations
  • Taking advantage of the tax benefits related to charitable donations
    • Bunching of deductions
    • Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
    • Non-cash gifting
    • Donor-advised funds
    • Private foundations
    • Planned/Legacy gifting

21-1028 Tax Implications of Charitable Planning – Giving Strategies from Delaware Tech on Vimeo.

Marie Holliday is Managing Director at Cover & Rossiter. She is focused on finding tax-advantaged solutions for clients to influence future growth and sustainability.